How to Reset Your Life for a New Quarter

Hi there!

Yes it's hard to believe we are one quarter into the year and on the cusp of quarter two!

I’m not sure about you but I feel this quarter went way to quick and I didn’t accomplish everything I’d planned.

There were a few unexpected interruptions that had me pause and rethink a few things. But that’s life – and it’s not unusual to be thrown things that we didn’t plan or expect, some harder than others. But at the end of the day, life goes on! 

So, in this post I’m sharing my thoughts on how to re-set for quarter two. I hope you find it valuable...

If you’re a frequent listener of my Dream Life podcast or reader of my newsletters and blogs, you’ll know that I treat every quarter as 'a mini-year' when it comes to planning.

The reason I do this is that things can change so quickly - as we’ve all experienced the last couple of years – so I find that reviewing and re-setting quarterly is really valuable.

It keeps me better connected and clear on where I’m at with my overall life vision and my Top 10 Dreams - and helps me decide where to focus my energy.

My approach is really just a short, sharp quarterly check-in.

I’ve found it works really well for me and maybe it will for you too – and I’ve made available as downloads all of the templates and exercises I use, in case you find those useful too. 

So here are my tips on how to re-set and get started on your new 'mini-year' – quarter two: 


First: set aside some time in your diary - say 30 minutes this coming week - to reflect on the last 3 months.
    • What went well?
    • What are you grateful for?  
    • What were the highlights?
    • What did you achieve?
    • What didn’t go to plan?
    • What were the obstacles, and if they happen again this quarter – how will you overcome them?
    • What did you learn?
    • What can you improve on for quarter two?
    Often, it’s the small subtle changes that can make a quarter go to plan, so don’t rush this exercise. 
    I haven’t yet created a specific quarterly downloadable worksheet for you, but you can use my weekly review worksheet which you’ll find here…  


    Second: Go back to your list of dreams - and decide on 3 goals that will get you closer to your main dreams.
    • So for example, if your dream is financial freedom by [X date], what can you do this quarter to get closer to that?
    • If one of your dreams is to get healthier and fitter every year – what will your fitness and health focus be for this quarter?
    • Or if your dream is to work out what you want to do with your life – and create a very clear vision – set that as your main dream this quarter and spend time working that out (and if you’re not clear on your dreams and need some inspiration, here are 3 things you can do this quarter:
        1. I have free 101 dreams workshops coming up where you can join me live online as I take you through a powerful exercise to discover your dreams. You’ll hear about them soon via email.
        2. You can take some time to do my powerful 101 dreams exercise by listening to my free audio guide here… 
        3. Hearing about the dreams of other people is one of the most powerful ways of inspiring you to dream. Take some time to read through this list of real-life dreams I’ve gathered – and feel free to take inspiration from any that resonate with you…
      Third: Based on your top 3 dreams and goals for the quarter, do my STOP, START, CONTINUE exercise.
      I do it every quarter and I love doing it! In case helpful, I’ve created a downloadable sheet to help with that one too which you’ll find here…
        1. Work out what you will STOP doing this quarter. This could be things that are taking you away from taking action on your dreams and goals. Things that come to mind are social media, news and tv/Netflix. I’m not saying taking them away completely – just stop doing it on autopilot and work out how much time you ideally want to spend on those things because the more time you spend on things like that the less time you have to work on your dreams and goals.
        2. Work out what you will START doing. This should all be aligned with making your 3 dreams/gals for the quarter – and lastly...
        3. Think about what you will CONTINUE doing. Eg: What worked well in the last quarter that you will continue.


      Fourth: Choose one habit that will support your dreams/goals this quarter.
      I always add a fitness habit each quarter because I know I’ll have much more energy to make it all happen if I’m feeling fit & healthy.
      • Choose a habit that you can do daily. 3 months of doing something daily – even if it’s really small - is magic as it will become part of who you are if you stick with it. If you need help, join my Habit Club here… 
      I love this quote from John Soforic, "We are what we do every day". Daily habits matter.


      Fifth: Create a morning ritual.
      If you start the day the way you love, every day will be great regardless of what comes your way for the rest of the day.
      Create a morning ritual that you just can’t wait to wake up to. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
      Maybe just start with getting up a little bit earlier and have a coffee on your own and look at your top 10 dreams every day and the top 3 for the quarter.
      If you do that, its’ amazing how you much more likely you are to have your top dreams in mind during the day and when you make decisions.
      And when you are super clear on where you are heading, you’re more likely to say no to things that aren’t aligned to your dream life – and you’re also more likely to act on what is. See here for a downloadable in case you find it useful…


      Sixth: Last but not least, write a letter to yourself after doing the exercises and date it 30th of June 2022.
      Write down all the things you made happen this quarter, how you feel and how excited you are about getting closer to living your dream life.
      Read this letter every day with your morning coffee or tea and it will inspire you to act every single day. The format I use is available here as a downloadable… 


      If you want all of the templates I’ve mentioned – they’re all in my Plan Your Year downloadable bundle that includes more than 66 pages of all the things I use for my own planning – yearly and quarterly. Available here…
      And, if you need weekly inspiration from a bunch of like-minded and positive people, today is the last day to join GROW for April – my personal growth club/book club.


      I’m so excited about this month because we’ll be reading the happiness plan by Dr Elise Biaylew and she’ll be joining us to do a live meditation and a Q&A. Can’t wait! See more information about GROW here...


      And if you'd like to listen to my latest podcast episode where I talk through how to reset for a new quarter, you can listen here... 

      I do hope this information has been useful for you. Let me know in the comments below.

      Have a wonderful week and lets get ready for our best quarter ever!


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