Meet the Dream Life Community: Leanne

Meet Leanne - a Mum, Career Woman, Wife, Housekeeper… and Platinum Coaching Member who loves to spend time with her kids, read personal development books, and carving out time each week to focus on her interests and spend time developing her future self...

How did you first discover Kristina and the Dream Life Community?

“I recall coming across the Dream Life section of the kikki.K website and I explored that further, found that GROW was starting up and jumped on board with that back in Sept 2021 to read The Wealthy Gardener. I've loved my journey on this path with Kristina and the Dream Life Community ever since!”

Briefly describe what was happening in your life that led you to participate in the Dream Life Community?

“Felt like I was lacking purpose with my career and wasn't achieving anywhere near what I'd hoped I would have achieved for nearing 40 years of age.

Left uni back in 2003 with high aspirations of embarking on a dream career, only to have spent 16 years with one company and whilst growing and evolving in my roles with the company, I don't feel like I'm truly adding value from my career perspective.

I feel like I'm being held back when I've got so much more to give and I have some much more to offer beyond my current role. I set out on a journey to discover my purpose and work out... what's next?”

What do you love about Platinum Coaching?

“Kristina is so inspiring and such a great Mentor! I really appreciate all that Kristina shares with us and the support she provides to our group. I love how Kristina leads by example and stays true to who she is.

The coaching has helped me create & maintain clarity on my goals & dreams - and my next steps. I love being part of the Platinum Community and the ongoing learning is great, as are the speakers.”

What are the most valuable elements of Platinum Coaching for you?

“The planning sessions are always so helpful and really important. I've particularly enjoyed the Guest Speakers who have joined us over the various months. I love how Kristina always encourages us to ask "who" when we're working through dreams, goals and achieving our plans.”

What Dream(s) are you focussing on at the moment in your coaching?

“Dreams I'm currently focusing on are...

* Working on the idea of setting up a side hustle! Since focusing on this as one of our monthly topics I've spent some time dreaming and pondering what this could look like for me. It was such a magical moment too when Kristina recently paired me with Tanja during the accountability session and Tanja shared with me her journey of setting up her own business nearly 15 years ago. Kristina also gave me words of encouragement whilst we were in the breakout room on zoom and her words inspired me to ask "why not me?"

I do have some uncertainties & self-doubt that I’m working on overcoming, but I have the inner self-belief that I can absolutely achieve what I aspire to achieve!!

* Wellness: healthy eating & walking 3-4 x per week & role modelling that for my kids

* Mindful & Present Parenting: fostering my relationship with my children, ensuring we always have open communication and show respect and love towards each other every day.”

What dreams have you made happen through coaching so far?

“Family holiday with my extended family (4 generations) where we all traveled, from Melbourne, NSW & WA to Deniliquin to spend a week together and create precious memories and share valuable time with my Nana who turned 90 this year! I'll always treasure this holiday.

First overseas holiday with my husband and kids to Thailand with a group of friends (22) in Sept this year. Again, awesome memories and special times for my kids with family & friends.

Self-development - I've grown and evolved as an individual but also in my career thanks to all the topics we have focused on during this year. Time management, planning, reviewing, and reflecting. Slowly learning to say no (politely!) Living my life & making decisions that align more closely to my values rather than saying yes to things because I feel obligated to.

Reading so many books throughout the year! A combination of fiction and non-fiction. I love reading & I appreciate the time I have on my own!

Importance of self care.”

What's been the biggest breakthrough or achievement for you as a result of your participation in the Platinum Coaching Program?

“My biggest breakthrough I believe, is the inner confidence that has surfaced & the personal growth I've achieved.

I've always been comfortable and confident, but the Coaching Program has helped me to look within myself and really focus on who am I deep inside and what do people actually see of me in my interactions with them.

I feel like the topics we've focused on have given me another level of inner strength and peace that I can be exactly who I want to be and I don't need to worry what others think of me. I am who I am and I want to be the best version of me that I can be.

This Coaching Program and Kristina's support helps to provide the tools and strategies for achieving this.”

Leanne rates her experience with Platinum Coaching a 9/10 and the personal growth she’s experienced from coaching a 9/10 also.

What words describe how you feel about your progress?

“Growth. Commitment. Results. A journey of learning. Gratitude. Proud of what I am achieving!

I’m continually inspired by Kristina's Coaching Program 💛.”

On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend Platinum Coaching to someone you felt would benefit from it?

Leanne’s rating was 10/10.

What advice would you give to someone considering joining Platinum Coaching?

“Join and take part in this wonderful community!!

There is so much to learn & discover about yourself and what you're capable of achieving!

You can set your own pace of how deep or little you work on your own self-development and with the other commitments we all have in our lives, allowing the course to be somewhat self-paced helps participants to navigate their own journey depending on the season they're currently moving through; whether they're overloaded in their own work life, personal life or family life!!

Each participant can determine how much they can give to their own development during this Coaching Program.

Kristina's inspiration helps us to join each Monday to reset and get back on track if we find we've been caught up on our other life areas”.


Learn more about the Platinum Coaching Program here...

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