It's Time to Seize the Day.
It's Time to Seize the Day.
It's Time to Seize the Day.
Show your love with this as a thoughtful gift - and create a matching personalised card.
Sometimes it’s the small things that make a massive difference in life, and this amazing A5 sized Bucket List Journal is one of them.
It’s been carefully designed to take you through a simple but considered process – inspiring you to use your heart as much as your head - as you contemplate and create a list of things you would truly love to achieve & experience in your precious lifetime.
Includes: an enlightening Reverse Bucket List exercise, nudging you to spend time reflecting and basking in joy, nostalgia & gratitude as you list the many amazing things you’ve already done in your life; a Bucket List Parking Lot with ample space for you to dump ideas you have that you may eventually want to add to your Bucket List; and space for helping you work through the practicalities of what you need to do to make your Bucket List adventures happen. Supporting you to act.
This is no ordinary journal. It’s a wonderful & valuable tool that will become a lifetime companion – inspiring you to get what you deserve from life.
A perfect and meaningful gift to inspire someone you truly care about. Personalise the cover to make it a bespoke & valued keepsake – and gift it with a matching personalised card.
We’re so proud of this journal. It will change lives!
A well thought through and simple process...
You'll come back and create this list of up to 40 amazing things you want to experience and acheive in your lifetime - once your head & your heart tell you something is right for you to add to your final list from your Bucket List Parking Lot.
Start with your Reverse Bucket List. It’s a beautiful exercise for reflecting on and writing down all of the significant things you’ve already experienced & achieved in life.
Use your Bucket List Parking Lot – to jot down and park any and all bucket list ideas when-ever they come to mind.
It’s not your final considered Bucket List, so use it as a brainstorming list that you’ll choose from later as you refine your thoughts and decide what truly matters to you enough to add it to your Bucket List at the front of this journal.
Don’t overthink or edit yourself when you add to your Parking Lot. Just dump any ideas you have. The more the better!
For each exciting thing you add to you Bucket List Parking Lot, there’s a corresponding page later in the journal – numbered to make it easy for you - where you can flesh out the idea and how to make it happen.
Helping you move from inspiration to action – when-ever you’re ready for that.
Start by taking around 15 minutes to familiarise yourself with the journal & process, then book in an hour each week for a few weeks. You may want to spread the process over a month or two – or complete it while on holiday and in the right headspace.
And come back to it at any time as life evolves…
As easy as 1,2, 3, 4...
Start with your Reverse Bucket List. It’s a beautiful exercise in reflecting on all of the significant things you’ve already experienced & achieved in life.
An exercise in reflection, nostalgia, mindfulness and gratitude. And as you do it, it’ll spark ideas for other similar things… that you can add to your Bucket List Parking Lot (the pages for you to just dump bucket list ideas as you have them – coming back to flesh them out in time).
Use your Bucket List Parking Lot to jot down and park any & all bucket list ideas when-ever they come to mind. It’s not your final considered Bucket List, so use it as your brainstorming list that you’ll choose from later as you refine your thoughts and decide what truly matters to you to add to your Bucket List at the front of the journal.
Don’t overthink or edit yourself when you add to your Parking Lot. Just dump any ideas you have. The more the better!
And have fun with the various suggested simple Parking Lot exercises, designed to help guide you to come up with a broad range of ideas, that you may eventually want to add to your Bucket List.
For each exciting thing you add to your Bucket List Parking Lot, there’s a corresponding page later in the journal – numbered to make it easy for you - where you can flesh out the idea and how to make it happen.
Helping you move from inspiration to action, when-ever you’re ready for that.
This journal is here to support you not just to make a list – but to make those amazing things happen for you! So, invest in yourself and follow the simple process…
When your head & your heart tell you something is right for you to add to your final Bucket List - do it!
And put notes in your diary to look at your list at least once every few months – to keep you inspired to live a life where you make these amazing things happen!
Whether you want to get the most out of your personal life, career or business, the insights on dreaming and doing in this book may be your most important learnings this year.
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