Considering starting a new business or side-hustle?


"Start-up is something I know well - and love! Starting kikki.K was so fun and taught me so much that I can share to help others..." 


As we head into a future where AI will replace more and more human jobs, many people are looking to set up their own startups or side hustles to supplement their income - and to future-proof their lifestyles.


Starting a business can allow you to do something you love every day, work in an area of genuine passion and have the freedom to choose when, where, and with who you work ...and a side hustle can be a great way to earn extra income while keeping your current job. 


So in this podcast episode here, I encourage you to consider start-up and I share my Top 3 Tips for Starting a Business or Side hustle (...and a bonus 4th!)



In summary:

  1. Make it something you're passionate about.
  2. Create a crystal clear vision of what you want to achieve.
  3. Dream big. Take time to imagine and envision what your business could become, even if you're unsure of the steps to take right now.
  4. Take a "Don't say no, say how" mindset when tackling challenges. You’ll often find a way through…


Starting a business or side-hustle will take time and effort, but it's an exciting journey that can lead you to the life you've always dreamed of. And it just may prove to be the parachute you need if your current income is disrupted by the changes AI is bringing.


Listen to this episode here to learn more…


…and if you're curious about exploring this path further, consider joining my Platinum Coaching Program - where we dive deeper. It's a wonderful opportunity to explore the world of entrepreneurship - and my experience will help simplify it for you.


As always, I’d LOVE to hear what resonates with you from this episode – and what you plan to implement after listening in. So please share  keep the conversation going in the Dream Life Podcast Facebook group here


Dream Big!




K 💛

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