#174 – 7 POWERFUL TIPS TO HELP YOU RESET YOUR LIFE & THRIVE IN 2023, with Kristina Karlsson


Hello & welcome to another episode!

Did you listen to last week’s episode with Louisa Jewell? If you haven’t listened to it yet make sure you do. It’s so good!

I’m so inspired after that chat - and I’m so determined to support as many people as I can to overcome the barriers of self-doubt – freeing them up to pursue their dreams and goals. In fact, I’m so determined that I’ve just started work on a Video Workshop to do exactly that. You can find out more here…

As I’m recording this podcast - it’s mid-May and nearly mid-year - and from experience, I know it can often be a month when people feel the weight of the everyday-ness of their lives. Pulled in many directions and losing clarity.

So, people, it’s time for a RESET!!

…and that’s what this episode is all about. 7 Powerful Tips to help you reset your life & thrive for the reminder of 2023 and into 2024.

Enjoy – and be sure to take your learnings from listening and put them into action.

If you find you need some help, I’m running a RESET Your Life & Thrive Live Online Workshop and you can find details and book here…

As always, I’d LOVE to hear what resonates with you from this episode – and what you plan to implement after listening in. So please share below and let’s keep the conversation going in the Dream Life Podcast Facebook group here.    

Have a wonderful week …and Dream Big!






  • Learn about my Habit Club here...
  • Learn more about how I do my Morning Pages journaling here…
  • Learn how to transform your life with a Gratitude Journal here
  • Take your first step to getting clarity on what you want from life with this free bonus dreaming exercise here 101 Dreams Audio Guide 
  • Buy my book Your Dream Life Starts Here.
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