Hello there!

For over two decades I've been writing in a journal nearly daily - as many of you know. I credit my daily practice of journaling for having helped me keep a sense of wellbeing through many ups and downs.

So when I find a new approach to journaling that really works amazingly well, I want to share that with the world! Which is what I've done with a brand new approach to journaling I've created and called Daily Wins (...and I've turned it into beautiful journal collection on my Dream Life Store here...).

In this episode I share with you how this new approach works and how it can improve your life as it is improving mine.


Some of the key things you’ll learn are:
  • How the simple process of thinking about and writing down 3 wins you had from your day can move you from a focus on the angst of what you haven't done, to simple satisfaction with what you have.
  • How even a simple mindset shift like this - practiced daily - can have profound psychological and productivity benefits.
  • How combining this with jotting down 3 simple things you're grateful for each day will put a smile on your face.
  • And how the very simple act of jotting down 3 wins you plan to make tomorrow - planting seeds in the fertile soil of you subconscious mind - can give you clarity and have you focussing on the most important things in your life. Every day.


Trust me and give this style of daily journaling a go for 3 months. Yes, you’ll have days where you can’t do it or miss it. But if you can do it most nights, I promise you, it will get you closer to your dream life, whatever that means for you.

To find out more, read how to journal Daily Wins style here...


Dream Life Founder  


  • Checkout the Daily Wins journals I've created for you here... 
  • Learn more about my Personal Growth Club - GROW here.
  • Join the Dream Life Podcast Facebook Group here - and jump into discussions and learning with like-minded people.
  • If you love this episode, don’t forget to subscribe for more inspiration – and please tell us what you thought by leaving us a review! 




My dream is to inspire and empower 101 million people around the world, just like you, to write down three dreams, and go chase them!  



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